Purchase a Domain Name
1 year - .com, .net. , .org ($28) | 2 years - .com.au, .net.au, .org.au ($42)Australian Domains $42 2 years
The .com.au domains can only be registered if you hold an ABN, ACN or Registered Business Name. The domain name should be an exact match, acronym or abbreviation of the domain name sought or is a close and substantial connection to the legal identityThe Domain Name comes with:
- Domain Management Area
- URL Forwarding
- Email Forwarding
- DNS Management
Pre payment required
Non refundable on successful registration.
Other Australian Domains Requirements:
.org.au - $42.00 - 2 yearsA charity operating in Australia, as defined in the registrants constitution or other documents of incorporation; or a non-profit organisation operating in Australia, as defined in the registrants constitution or other documents of incorporation.
.id.au - $42.00 - 2 years
For individuals who are
Australian citizens or residents. It is the only domain
name that does not require the Registrant (domain name
licensees) to be a commercial entity.
The id.au domain name must be exactly match of the
registrant's personal name
or be an acronym or abbreviation of the registrant?
personal name;
or be otherwise closely and substantially connected to
the registrant, because the domain name:
(i) is derived from one or more words of the
registrant's personal name; or
(ii) includes one or more words of the registrant's
personal name.
.asn.au - $42.00 - 2 years
incorporated associations, political parties, trade
unions, sporting and special interest clubs.
(names subject to availability - pre payment
required - non refundable on successful registration).
The only registrar is
Transferring Ownership of an Australian Domain
If the Domain name is to be sold with a business, then it is likely the ABN changes as well.This means with a .com.au domain, the ownership MUST be formally notified and changed with auDA (the Australian Domain Administrator).
It can be done online here : https://openconnect.com.au/cor/
The current cost is $149 to change the registrant
International Domains $28 per year
There are no registration criteria for these domains.If the name is available then you can register it.
The Domain Name comes with:
- Domain Management Area
- URL Forwarding
- Email Forwarding
- DNS Management
Pre payment required
Non refundable on successful registration.
MUST Verify Ownership on Registration.
An email will be sent to the new registrant.
Google give preference to .au domains in the search results
Indicates local when selling goods/services within Australia
A .com domain could mean anything.
Australian (.au) domains propagate in about 10 minutes - then your web site becomes live to the general public.
International (.com) domains can take up to 12 hrs once the DNS has been altered.
You have to enter your domain administration section located on your Domain Registrar's website.
You will need your domain username and password.
The login details are issued when you register a domain name. Once inside your Domain Admin area you will be able to alter the Domain Name Servers.
Alter the DNS to the SmallPond Names Servers detailed in your Hosting Welcome email.
Allow time (up to 12 hrs for a .com) to propagate through the internet and become live to your SmallPond Hosting Space.
Your domain goes into a 40 day "limbo" (redemption grace period) where it can only be restored by paying an exorbitant fee (US$75 - $150) It then goes into a 5-7 day pending deletion period.
After this deletion from the registrars records, the domain is available for registration on the open market.
In theory you should be able to renew your domain after the limbo period - alas - enter the evil domain squatter:
ICANN allows a 10 day grace period to registrars free of charge before they have to register a domain.
This allows squatters (leeching information off the internet or worst still, an arrangement with the registrar) to "purchase" free of charge your domain for 10 days.
DO NOT CONTACT the squatter - wait 10 days and your domain may come back on the market if it is not permanently registered by the squatter.
Continuous contact attempts will convince the squatter that the domain is worth purchasing in the hope that they can extract more money off the previous owner.